February 8, 2015


As a non-profit organization, Palo Alto Area Bar Association works closely with its partners and members to plan, host and sponsor various educational and community events in a diverse range of specialties.

We have two main types of sponsors: Annual Sponsor and Event Sponsor.

Event Sponsor:

PAABA and its various sections hold regular events. The meetings usually have from 10-50 attendees, high quality discussions and provide networking opportunities.

Sponsors at the Luncheon Event level are responsible for hosting the venue and catering. The Luncheon Event Sponsors receive the following:
• Name and logo on the widely distributed program announcements;
• An introduction of your firm/company at the program;
• Your promotional materials on our tables for that program;
• Free registration to the event for up to four people;
• Opportunity to help develop programs by, for example, providing input as to speakers and moderators.
Note: All proposed programs and presentations are subject to approval by the PAABA Program Committee to ensure the best program for our membership and attendees.

Annual Sponsors:

Law firms and individuals can sign up to be annual sponsors, that provide many benefits including discounted event registration. For more details about each level of sponsorship, please see Annual Sponsor

If you are interested in being a sponsor, please contact info@paaba.org